Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gym Show

Dada has been doing gymnastics for quite a while now--since she was about 2 years old. For the last year she's been going to Jump Gymnastics, a little studio not too far from our house.

Yesterday was the spring "gym show" where all the kids get to do a quick routine for the assembled parents and they all get a medal at the end.

This is Dada getting her medal after doing her routine.

Then it was back to the house to play Lego Star Wars with dad for way too much of the day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Garden Journal: 17 May 2009, Peppers and mellons

The lettuce and spinach finally gave it up, so Julie pulled it up and we replaced it with a variety of peppers. The watermellons Julie planted earlier are starting to come in pretty good, as you can see here.

We're getting a few peas and the tomatoes are heavy with fruit but not yet ripe yet.

Got 1.25" of rain yesterday. Refilled all the rain barrels.

Saturday, May 09, 2009


We have cute little ears of corn now.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Bat girl

Dada has learned how to hang upside down on the monkey bars, shown here at the new bars at her school. She is very proud of this skill.

Garden journal: Front yard May 2, 2009

Peas have started producing a few pods. Beans are plentiful. Corn is getting quite tall and is well tassled. Lettuce and spinach are both bolting but still tasty.