Monday, December 12, 2005

House Update: Cabinets

They have been installing the cabinets over the last few days and should be completely done with them today (not counting the counter tops, which will be done later).

This picture shows the cabinets in the utility room, looking towards the washer/dryer area.

CIMG2472They are making rapid progress on the interior finish work: window trim, door trim, and so on. The cold weather has delayed pouring the concrete columns that go on each side of the bar but hopefully that will happen this week.

CIMG2501They've got all but one of the window awnings up--once that last one is up they'll be able to finish the exterior siding. They're almost done with the stone work on the exterior.

CIMG2487They have all the porch and carport roof supports installed.

We have to work out the interior paint colors this week so they can pre-paint the baseboards and should start installing the bathroom stone next week.

We still seem to be on track for completion around the first of March.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Walk in the Cold

Originally uploaded by drmacro.
Housebound by the imminent ice storm, Julie and Dada went for a walk in the cold. By some miracle Julie got Dada to wear both her coat and hat.

Julie took this with her camera phone.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

New Camera Phone

Originally uploaded by drmacro.
Julie got a new camera phone. She took this picture last night at Amy's Ice cream, where we had taken Dada to run off some energy. The weather had been chilly but it got strangely warm last night so it was warm enough to play outside.

I like this picture because the strong colors and slight blur give it a certain paintingish quality.