Thursday, May 03, 2007

Plague of Snails

The extraordinarily wet weather we've had this spring has resulted in a plague of snails. They are everywhere and they are big. The chickens pretty much don't want to see any more snails.

The other evening Julie went out and collected a bucket of snails. I decided it looked like an interesting photographic opportunity, what with the interesting colors of the shells against the orange background. I had in mind one of those pictures where a large number of ordinary objects combine together to form an abstract pattern against a solid background.

What I didn't count on was how fast the snails are--you'd think you could take your time working out a composition but no, the little buggers will be up and over the wall by the time you've got the camera positioned. Because of the low light conditions, I was using the self timer, which added to the problem.

I also think I really need a snail stylist to fully realize my vision--these snails were all kind of wet and the bucket had a lot of dirt and stuff. But I didn't have the time or patience or interest to both dry off the snail shells and clean up the bucket. Maybe next time.

If you want to see the rest of my snail shots, they're on Flickr tagged as "snails".


At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe I remember that heartless homeowners/gardeners have been known to bump off snails by immersing them in beer. Do not drink the beer after doing this. I know for sure that a pan of beer will attract snails, but it would also attract dogs---not a good idea.


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