Monday, April 30, 2007

Pool Season Starts

Yesterday it was finally hot enough to warrant going to the pool, so we rounded up Sunny, Kesley, and Austin, who live a few houses down, and Dada and bundled everyone into the car for our first trip to Deep Eddy this year.

Everyone had a great time, although it wasn't quite as sunny as we would have liked. But it was still plenty warm. We took a break for some Jim Jim's water ice (very yummy) and then finally came home to have a sauna party back at the house. Julie got to hang out and read the NY Times Magazine while the rest of us played in the water.

For the sauna party, the kids brought over some snacks while Austin and I put up the safety rail around the sauna heater [I had only just a couple of weeks ago realized that there is supposed to be a wooden railing around the sauna heater and that it had been part of the sauna kit but the builder never installed it and I never noticed it]. The sauna now safe for kids, we all piled in and had a good time getting very hot. Dada wasn't really down with it and decided to watch Clifford instead.

A very nice start to the hot season. It won't be long before we start spending most afternoons at the pool...


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